EPI or Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency is a deadly disease that has seen a sharp incline of recorded cases in recent years. The order is related to certain dogs inability to properly breakdown food and absorb nutrition from them. The cause is relat...
Whenever you first take your dog to the vet one of the initial tests and vaccinations your furry friend will receive is...
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Owning a mutt is advantageous for a few reasons. They’re outbred dogs so they usually won’t have any of th...
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Pet owners everywhere are up to their eyeballs in dog or cat fur during the hot summer months. Why do cats and dogs shed so much fur? What causes it, and is there any way to slow down the animal shedding onslaught? Today’s topic concern...
We’ve gone through the basics of trimming dog’s nails and how to cut cat nails. Now it’s time go over the final details...
There’s just something fascinating about a crime fighting animal. Human beings have been depending on dogs to help prote...
So news flash: plaque, tarter, and periodontal issues don’t just exist in the human mouth. Dog chompers might be a good bit sharper and a lot more resilient than your human mandibles, but at the end of the day they need some maintenance as well. Peri...
Everyone knows about the nose, right? Dogs are at their healthiest when it’s wet, cold, and buried someplace uncomfortab...
Man’s best friend has been responsible for a lot of wonderful human advancements throughout the ages. Thanks to the dom...
We all want to have some furry and lovable pets at home. But the question is: are we ready to have one? It’s not exactly a walk in the park, (at least not all the time). Because having a pet entails so much responsibility and commitment, first time ...