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Filtered by tag ('cat')

Scaredy Cat: How to Handle a Frightened Feline

 by zack on 19 Jul 2013 |
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Cats have a lot of stereotypes surrounding them. They’re considered curious, mischievous, mystical, and even regal. However, everyone is familiar with a feline that’s been characterized as skittish or easily spooked. Cats are very independent creatur...

Your Cat may Actually be Driving You Crazy.

 by zack on 07 Jul 2013 |
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Here’s a frightening thought: your housecat is host to a parasite that can infect you, and in so doing affect your brain...

Urinary Infection in Cats

 by zack on 27 Jun 2013 |
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One of the most common health problems in domestic cats is that they are especially prone to catching urinary tract infe...

The Feral Cat Conundrum Part 2

 by zack on 20 Jun 2013 |
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Yesterday’s post gave us a glimpse of the painstaking process behind taming a feral cat. However, as we mentioned this isn’t always the best option for a feral cat. They are basically wild, and that can mean very unsociable. Not only can they be phys...

The Feral Cat Conundrum: Questions and Solutions Part 1.

 by zack on 19 Jun 2013 |
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Feral cats and kittens are an interesting dilemma. They capture our hearts and imaginations, and just leaving feral feli...

What is Parvovirus?

 by zack on 14 Jun 2013 |
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Whenever you first take your dog to the vet one of the initial tests and vaccinations your furry friend will receive is...

Pet’s Soft Stomachs: A Hard Problem to Solve?

 by zack on 13 Jun 2013 |
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Dogs are known for soft stomachs and cats are always coughing up hair balls, so what’s an owner to do? First things first, you have to understand that this is a very common problem to be dealing with, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that your pet is ...

Shedding Light on Heavy Shedding

 by zack on 05 Jun 2013 |
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Image Credit Pet owners everywhere are up to their eyeballs in dog or cat fur during the hot summer months. Why do cats...

Clipping Claws 3: Finishing Touches

 by zack on 25 May 2013 |
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We’ve gone through the basics of trimming dog’s nails and how to cut cat nails. Now it’s time go over the final details...

Clipping Claws 2: How to Cut Cat Nails

 by zack on 24 May 2013 |
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Welcome to part 2 of our series on how to cut your pet’s nails. Today we’ll be discussing the basics of clipping claws on cats. Luckily, if you read yesterday’s post, there’s a lot of overlap in feline and canine nail cutting techniques. However, cat...
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