We’ve gone through the basics of trimming dog’s nails and how to cut cat nails. Now it’s time go over the final details to make any claw clipping session a successful effort.
First, let’s review the commonalities between clipping dog’s nails and ca...
Welcome to part 2 of our series on how to cut your pet’s nails. Today we’ll be discussing the basics of clipping claws o...
Animal actors have a long history in Hollywood. Movie magic and fluffy cute stage hands go together like butter and pop...
While most cats are usually lovable, adorable, and infinitely happy to be caressed, there are times when a feline can become aggressive. Curbing that aggression can be easier said than done. Cats are complex and moody creatures with a penchant for be...
The human to kitty cat connection can be quite caustic on occasion. Unlike their canine counterparts, cats, while cute,...
Pets are the most adorable little pains available to contemporary pet owners. They have this nasty trick; they get you t...
Man’s best friend has been responsible for a lot of wonderful human advancements throughout the ages. Thanks to the domestication of dogs, humans gained the ability to herd other domesticated animals and support ever larger populations. Dogs have be...
“Love thy neighbor as you love yourself”. I would like to start with one of the Ten Commandments since pets are in many...
We’re picking up right where we left off from yesterday with part two of our list of common cat ailments and their sympt...
Despite great interest, there is a lack of common knowledge about cat healthcare. Oftentimes, we’re at a loss when our sick cats seem out of sorts. It can make you feel helpless. Spotting symptoms early will lead to quick treatment, and less overall...