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Filtered by tag ('cat')

Animal Actors: Celebrity Quadrupeds

 by zack on 18 May 2013 |
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Animal actors have a long history in Hollywood. Movie magic and fluffy cute stage hands go together like butter and popcorn. Every variety of animal gets represented eventually, but there are a few standout performances from well-trained domesticate...

Curbing Cat Aggression

 by zack on 15 May 2013 |
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While most cats are usually lovable, adorable, and infinitely happy to be caressed, there are times when a feline can be...

Cold Shoulder Kitty: Socializing a Cat

 by zack on 06 May 2013 |
3 Comment(s)
The human to kitty cat connection can be quite caustic on occasion.  Unlike their canine counterparts, cats, while cute,...

Pet Proof Your Home

 by zack on 25 Apr 2013 |
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Pets are the most adorable little pains available to contemporary pet owners. They have this nasty trick; they get you to love them so that you won’t immediately kill them for scratching your furniture, eating your shoes, or ruining the carpet. Lucki...

Dogs Can Smell Cancer

 by zack on 17 Apr 2013 |
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Man’s best friend has been responsible for a lot of wonderful human advancements throughout the ages. Thanks to the dom...

Finding Forever Homes: Tips on Fostering a Pet

 by zack on 08 Apr 2013 |
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“Love thy neighbor as you love yourself”.  I would like to start with one of the Ten Commandments since pets are in many...

Common Cat Illnesses and their Symptoms Part 2

 by zack on 01 Apr 2013 |
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We’re picking up right where we left off from yesterday with part two of our list of common cat ailments and their symptoms. First up is… Feline Panleukopenia This condition is caused by a virus and is most commonly known as feline distemper. Thoug...

Common Cat Illnesses and Their Symptoms

 by zack on 31 Mar 2013 |
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Despite great interest, there is a lack of common knowledge about cat healthcare.  Oftentimes, we’re at a loss when our ...

Out of Options: Finding a Professional Pet Sitter Part 2

 by zack on 17 Mar 2013 |
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We’ll jump right in where we left off in our last post: with the interview process. After you’ve narrowed the field of...

Out of Options: Finding a Professional Pet Sitter Part 1.

 by zack on 14 Mar 2013 |
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Sometimes keeping a steady job can be difficult. Especially if you have a pet at home who’s attention starved and lonely. Those ten hour shifts won’t work themselves and if you happen to be living the bachelor(ette) lifestyle it can be an easy thing ...
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