Every dog parent has watched with envy as a friend, neighbor or relative walks his canine companion seamlessly down the street. Good leash manners don’t come easily, however, and require patient and consistent training on your part.
Leash tugging c...
Everyone has watched in wonder as a puppy turns circles in a frantic attempt to catch his own tail. This playful behavio...
Dogs pant when they’re excited, scared, and even when they get too hot. It’s a normal physiological function for our pet...
Many dog owners are puzzled when their canine companions tear at the ground with their hind feet after eliminating. Often, they assume the behavior is similar to a cat’s— that their pooch is attempting to “cover up” his mess. This couldn’t be farther...
No one wants a dog that jumps on guests or begs during a dinner party, or that growls at other pets during his own meals...
If you’ve ever come home to find furniture overturned, blankets chewed and claw marks on the door, chances are you’re de...
Given half a chance, dogs will devour rancid sandwich meat, discarded chicken bones, hamburger wrappers, Popsicle sticks and most anything else they can get their paws on. While his palate seems peculiar to us, Fido’s odd eating habits evolved with h...
It’s common knowledge that a wagging tail is a sign of a happy, friendly dog, but many pet owners don’t know that this e...
Whether it’s on the couch or in their own beds, dogs often turn a dizzying array of circles before finally settling down...
Dogs can develop an upset stomach for many reasons, but by far the most common cause is that Fido ate something he shouldn’t have. Like toddlers, our canine companions explore the world by putting things in their mouths, and an upset tummy, vomiting,...