If your dog spends any time outdoors or socializing with other animals, he has the potential to attract fleas and ticks. These biting pests are more than just major nuisances for your pet, however. They also raise serious concerns from flea infestati...
We all sneeze from time to time when dust, dander or other irritants tickle our nose and throats. It turns out dogs snee...
Most people have heard of heartworms, but fewer know that dogs are at serious risk of contracting heartworm disease in a...
Everyone’s heard the phrase “dog breath,” but most owners don’t realize that bad breath can be a sign of more serious periodontal problems, such as plaque, gum disease and tooth loss. The idea of regular dental care is new to many pet owners, but kee...
Your kitchen pantry may contain several natural herbs and spices that can improve your dog's health. Rather than spendin...
Obedience training can prove frustrating and overwhelming. When your puppy refuses to relieve himself outside or Lassie ...
Many dog owners are unable to resist those pleading eyes at dinnertime and give in by feeding their pooch scraps of human food. What you may not realize is, some foods that are perfectly healthy for humans could be dangerous or even toxic to your dog...
Taking your dog for a walk can be a productive, enjoyable activity until you meet another dog on the walking path. Even ...
Once you've prepared your home and chosen your dog, the next important steps are training and socialization. It is highl...
Having a dog with separation anxiety isn't that uncommon. Many dogs experience it, especially those who were adopted. Separation anxiety occurs when the owners leave the home or the room. When left alone, dogs with separation anxiety will usually bar...