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Top 5 Methods for Fighting Ticks and Fleas

 by james on 27 Jan 2023 |
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Top 5 Methods for Fighting Ticks and Fleas   Have ticks and fleas got you down? Having trouble keeping them away from your pets or your house? Would you like some free veterinary guidance on how to permanently get rid of fleas and ticks?   Here a...

How Did Fleas and Ticks Get on My Dog?

 by james on 24 Jan 2023 |
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How Did Fleas and Ticks Get on My Dog? The likelihood that you are a dog owner coping with a flea infestation for the f...

How Did My Cat Get Fleas and/or Ticks?

 by james on 17 Jan 2023 |
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How Did Fleas and Ticks Get on My Cat? You might be shocked to learn that your cat has been infected with these bothers...

7 Places Ticks May Hide on Your Pet

 by james on 10 Jan 2023 |
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Where Do Ticks Hide? 7 possible places Ticks can be a severe hazard to the wellbeing of our pets. Diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever can be spread by ticks. It is wise to always check your dog for ticks after being outside, ...

What Is the Best Flea Treatment for Dogs?

 by james on 06 Jan 2023 |
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Which flea treatment is best for dogs?   The time is now more than ever to take preventative measures against pests. S...

Lyme Disease in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

 by james on 03 Jan 2023 |
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Dogs and Lyme Disease: Symptoms and Treatment   Lyme disease is a serious tick-borne illness that can affect dogs. Alt...

How Dangerous Are Fleas?

 by james on 28 Dec 2022 |
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Fleas and what are their risks ? What Are Fleas? Fleas are a group of wingless insects of the Siphonaptera order. They are parasites that only consume blood from their hosts, or engage in hematophagy. Fleas come in more than 2,000 different species,...

The 6 Most Important Flea Larval Facts

 by james on 16 Dec 2022 |
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The 6 Most Important Flea Larval Facts    The medical director of the VCA Murphy Road Animal Hospital in Nashville and t...

​Where do Fleas Live?

 by james on 12 Dec 2022 |
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Where do Fleas Live? Fleas make up for their lack of size with tenacity. The cost of controlling these tiny little bloo...

Flea dirt: What is it?

 by james on 06 Dec 2022 |
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Flea dirt: What is it? It's undeniable that fleas are unpleasant. Your pet may become infected by them fast and experience discomfort for days or weeks while it is being properly treated. Look for flea filth to indicate a flea infestation if your d...
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