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Filtered by tag ('cats')

What does hissing mean?

 by lucy on 08 Dec 2016 |
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Every cat owner is familiar with the sharp, sibilant sound of hissing— the noise cats make to express fear, aggression, displeasure or uncertainty. Because hissing is your cats way of saying something’s wrong, you should never punish him for the beha...

Help! My cat’s an escape artist

 by lucy on 18 Nov 2016 |
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Safety from predators, oncoming traffic and disease are just a few of the well-documented benefits of keeping cats indoo...

Why cats like to bring home “gifts”

 by lucy on 12 Oct 2016 |
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Every cat owner has come home to find a dead mouse, bird or other hunting prize strewn across the stoop, often with Kitt...

Why does my cat back it up… right in my face?

 by lucy on 21 Sep 2016 |
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Nothing says “Hello!” like backing up butt-first into someone’s face— at least if you’re a cat. While this gesture may seem uncouth to his human counterparts, your pet’s presenting of his posterior is the ultimate sign of affection in cat-speak. Not ...

Why some cats go crazy for catnip

 by yunus on 07 Sep 2016 |
1 Comment(s)
When it comes to catnip, there are two schools of cats: Those that hyperactively roll in it, lick it, and go “crazy,” an...

Why does my cat lick me?

 by yunus on 24 Aug 2016 |
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Dogs lavish us with kisses, but cats are often more subtle in their displays of affection. While a sandpapery tongue isn...

How to stop your cat from biting

 by yunus on 17 Aug 2016 |
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As much as it may alarm you, all cats have a reason when they bite. Whether it’s a reaction to pain or a simple message to get lost, your cat is trying to communication with his biting behavior, and determining the underlying cause is key to solving ...

Why cats prefer high places?

 by yunus on 28 Jul 2016 |
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If your cat is like most, you often find him perched atop the refrigerator, wardrobe or other lofty places. He may be fu...

Turns out, you actually can take your cat for a walk

 by lucy on 22 Jun 2016 |
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To most of us, the idea of walking a cat on a leash seems absurd. Cats are, after all, free-willed creatures that don’t ...

Why do cats sleep in strange places?

 by lucy on 01 Jun 2016 |
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Every cat owner has come home to find his favorite feline sleeping in shoeboxes, dresser drawers, or behind the sofa. It’s common knowledge that cats love to sleep in strange spaces, but few know why their pet prefers staking out the flowerpot to nap...
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