What an amazing idea to combine riding a bicycle and walking your beloved dog. Two activities that most people truly enjoy. Actually, it is a must have for a cyclists and dog owners. The Cycleash is the latest innovation for a bicycle leash on the market today. Cycleash is the most cautious approach to exercise your best friend. If you choose to just hold a regular leash in your hands while bicycling your are risk injuring either your dog or yourself or both. With cycleash you are assured of having complete control of the situation. The cycleash is suggested for dogs that have been trained. Also, the cycleash is best for dogs weighing over 35 pounds. There are some outstanding details, such as ergonomically shaped leash bar. The handle is extremely comfortable. The bar is durable yet it is not heavy. The cycleash attaches tightly to any bicycle. Two leashes can be used. This is the ideal leash for those individuals who owned dogs that enjoy running. At the same time, there is nothing else comparable for dogs loving the relaxation of wheels. The person using the cycleash never has to be worried about the leash becoming tangled in the wheels. The bar extends away preventing this from happening.