Questions & Answers
Can you use this with Advocate. Advocate treats heartworm and fleas, etc, but not ticks. Wanted to add something for ticks since the Revolution is not available for the medium sized dog.
Yes Advantix and Advocate can be used safely together.
my new found stray beagle is being treated for this safe to use on my dog
This product can be used with medicines which treat intestinal parasites. But It is always good idea to get advised from your vet.
Hi I need a product which will prevent my dogs from getting paralysis tick. Does advantix do this and are all "advantix" products the same even if the packaging is different? thanks
Hi Advantix prevents all the ticks, fleas and lice. There are 2 different Advantix on the market. Advantix and Advantix II . Later one has another added ingredient that controls more of the flea life cycle. We only carry original Advantix at the moment.
Which medication is good for fleas, ticks and heartworm?
Unfortunately there isn't any product which treats fleas, ticks and heartworm at the same time. Advocate (Advantage Multi) is good for Fleas and heartworms as well as many other types of worms.
can you tell me the difference between advantix and K9 advantix please am currently using advocate but my dog still has fleas which is the best one to totally eliminate the fleas.
Both work to repel fleas, however it's important to rid the sleeping areas and all other areas your dog frequently visits, otherwise they will continue to re-infest.