Questions & Answers
Is heartgard safe for collie or Shetland breed?
Heartgard Plus may cause sensitivities in certain dogs of the herding breeds. Since Shetland is a sheepdog, please consult your veterinarian first.
I’m concerned that your company is in the UK. I know the labeling is a little different. Is this the exact heartgard that is sold in the US ?
Yes ingredients and formula is exactly the same.
Good morning. I saw it ok to give the heart worm medicine for small dogs to a 12 week old puppy?
You can use this product for dogs 6 weeks of age and older. However we strongly recommend to get advise from your vet before administrating any treatment.
In the description it say this will deworm your dog. In an answer you say it will not get rid of heartworms. which is correct
Heartgard prevents Heartworm, Hookworm, and Roundworm. However, if your dog is already infested with Heartworms, this product can't kill them. Should that happens, it's best that you seek advice from your vet.
Will you be carrying Nexgard Spectra anytime soon?
Yes, we just received the stock. We will be updating the website this week.