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Great Product
Great product at a great price!
My doggies are crazy in this.
They love soooooooo much to take this. I wonder what is this taste and almost I tasted it. I ordered 1pack : 12 tablets . And Petbucket sent me 2packs: 6 tablets. It was ok. Just keep in mind that. This texture is enough soft to divide with hands. It took 19 days to arrive in EST USA. 우리 강아지들이 환장하고 좋아합니다. 매우 맛있나 봅니다. 약인지 모르고 간식인줄 알고 허겁지겁 먹네요. 3.5 kg 애기들에겐 크기가 좀 커서 손으로 쪼개 주는데 텍스쳐가 쫄깃한 편이라 잘 쪼개지네요. 12알 1팩 주문했는데 6알 2팩으로 보내줬어요. 참고하세요 미국 동부까지 배송 19일 걸렸네요.
D. Green
Great product
Same product i used to buy thru my vet, but at a much lower price!!!
K.E. Grabenstein
I have used Heartgard for twenty five years and have never had a bad reaction with any of my kids (pets). Trust the job Heartgard does and will continue using the product.
은. 오
Good goods
I bought good goods at low prices.