I have recently taken a number of cats that were either abandon on my land or their previous humans were unable to provide for. i am not a cat person, but i ended up with 18 adult cats, 2 of whom were pregnant. 24 cats later my house was one big flea, my two dogs were miserable and i was not too happy. going to a vet here in New York is a rigged game, they kill your bank account with kindness.
Enter Petbucket.. i was able to get Rx flea drops that ALSO take care of the worms! fleas were dead within the hour, cats and kittens coats have started to shine and they are actually eating less since they are not sharing food with parasites anymore. have been able to adopt out 6 cats so far and two of the kittens are getting ready to go to new homes along with petbuckets web address
add to that the video message i got after i placed my order, which was a really cool and really nice thing to do just reinforced that i will be buying my pet supplies from petbucket when ever i need them!