Reputable and Fast shipping. Definitely recommend.
Sandra Jasso
Sandra Jasso
Pasadena, Texas
22 Dec 2018
Received items in a reasonable amount of time.
Sharon Thompson
Sharon Thompson
Houston, Texas
22 Dec 2018
Just received and everything came just in time. I have been using you over a year and this is the lowest price I have fond for HW preventative.
June Haigh
June Haigh
Mallorca, Islas Baleares
22 Dec 2018
With the Seresto collar I know that my beautiul Bella has the protection she needs.
Very happy with price, service and product, from PetBucket, many thanks.
Tammy LeBlanc
Tammy LeBlanc
Norman, Oklahoma
22 Dec 2018
Great price!
Valerie Sottile
Valerie Sottile
Milton, North Caroline
22 Dec 2018
Great product, great price. I buy the Seresto collar for my Shih tzu only from pet bucket. Great shipping time too.